Healthy Eating Recipes

Zucchini and herb omelet

  • Sauté zucchini in olive oil
  • Prepare a ProtiDiet omelet packet
  • Whisk an egg white until peaks form then add to packet
  • Pour mixture over zucchini

Soup or sauce as a side

  • Dilute the contents of the cream soup packet with very little water
  • Serve as a sauce over white meat or fish filets


  • Dilute a packet of ProtiDiet chicken noodle soup in 200 ml of water
  • Add an egg white and stir swiftly, add spinach and season to taste
  • You can use more water if needed

Perfumed Cake

  • Mix 4 ProtiDiet cake packets with 200 ml of water and lightly stir in with egg white  (that was whisked to peak) until smooth
  • Add orange peel zest
  • Cook 10-15 minutes at 175C
  • Cut cake in 4 equal parts

Mocha Coffee

  • Mix 1 packet of ProtiDiet cocoa with 120ml of black coffee instead of water

Milk Shake

  • Mix 1 packet of Protidiet chocolate pudding with 120ml of water
  • Add 1 glass of ice cubes to blender and mix well
  • Incorporate lemon zest, a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of cinnamon


  • Prepare a ProtiDiet concentrate (grape, melon-kiwi, peach-mango, green tea or lemon) use well chilled sparkling water
  • Serve in a cocktail glass and party during your festive outings